Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Minions of "Fashion"

At my school, we're doing a magazine fundraiser, where if you sell your quota, you get to dress down for a few weeks, yadda yadda yadda. I have yet to sell my quota, so it's still polyester green kilts for me, but a lot of people have.

The girls at me school annoy me. Well, most of them. I'm sure this is how anyone who has a true interest in fashion, REAL fashion, and lives in the suburbs, feels.

With the exception of a few girls, practically all the "popular girls" who on their myspace pages say "OMG I love fashion!", have been wearing slight variations of this:

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Ew. How tired is that?

But wait! Sometimes the shirt is substituted with one of these!

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Or this!

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Or this!

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I truly just DON'T understand this: Why would you spend $40 dollars on a sweatshirt JUST BECAUSE IT HAS HOLLISTER PLASTERED ACROSS THE FRONT. Maybe I'm thick, but I just don't understand it.

And I am not fashion-forward. I mean, I'm not a major trendsetter. I can't be. My tastes are greater than my budget. Vintage shops are non-existent around me. New York is 4 hours away. I live in the middle of no where. Oh great. Now I'm depressed.



Monday, September 25, 2006


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I have always had big feet. They have never been normal. My friends were a 5, I was a 9... etc. Finally I reached an 11. The size that makes people look at those skis sticking out from under your jeans and go, "What the...?"

Going to a Catholic school, we have a shoe requirement. It's ridiculous. They make it impossible too find a cute shoe in my size that fits the rules. Some blessed souls at some shoe companies do realize that NOT EVERYONE IN THE WORLD IS A SIZE 10, and make 11s. I planned to keep these shoes that I have accumulated for a long while. A cute floral pair of Keds sneakers/ ballet flats hybrids, crazy Old Navy flats, gladiator sandals, etc..... my school shoes fit well, I was on cloud nine. Until I realized that my school shoes felt and bit..... small. And my marching band shoes (black and white checkered Vans, that's right, be jealous), which I had been fitted for in August, were feeling a bit..... tight.


"It's just because my foot's narrow, and it slips forward," I told myself. (While this is true, it can't be the entire reason.) But I was looking for homecoming shoes the other day, and I realized that the size 12s....... fit.

All I could think was, "No. No. No. No. No. This can't be happening to me." Two days later and I'm still in denial. It wouldn't be a problem at ALL if the stylish shoemakers of the world realized that, yeah, people have big feet. And they still want to be stylish at the same time. Gasp!

For now, I'm dealing with slightly (slightly) cramped toes. If I get camel toe in the future, I plan on suing shoe companies all over the world.

Any one else feel my pain?

But, on the plus side, I just got my braces off! No more metalmouth! Yes.

Listen to "Sundress" by Ben Kweller.

Saturday, September 23, 2006

The description of beauty

"For attractive lips, speak words of kindness. For lovely eyes, seek out the good in people. For a slim figure, share your food with the hungry. For beautiful hair, let a child run his fingers through it once a day. For poise, walk with the knowledge you'll never walk alone ."

I'm going to keep words to a minimum in this post.

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Some photographs never die:
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Gorgeous in color, too:

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Her legacy will never die.


Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Fall Shopping List

I'm going fall shopping this weekend (I go to a Catholic school, complete with uniforms, so I can procrastinate on things like this), and I have a general idea of what I want... PLEASE feel free to add anything you think I would like, tell me any good stores (online or not), make any suggestions, I'm open to anything. Though, keep in mind that I live in suburbia, and cannot jet off to New York this weekend.

-a few band tees from Hot Topic. I like this one:

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Um, Hellogoodbye is amazing, and I really need this shirt. And it's only $14.99! HELLOOOO!

-another pair of jeans. I have one. This is extrememly sad. They are the only thing I have ever bought from Hollister, and I must say, they're pretty amazing. I normally don't like Hollister. It bugs me when people myspace backgrounds are like the hollister logo. It's called "individuality." Try some.
Since we will only be going to my local mall, I will most like get them at American Eagle. I like these:
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This is a maybe. Leggings? Just a cheap pair, because they'll probably soon go out of style. And I wouldn't wear it with a denim mini, that's SO overdone. It's tired. I saw a tunic at Target I liked, and I also like those 80's style, belted sweaters, with flats. A solid colored legging would be good, but wouldn't some PATTERNED ones be really cute??? So I could use help with all thing is bold. I like these, from Urban Outfitters, though, sadly, $12 seems a little steep to me.

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- A really BIG fall bag! I could really use help with this one! A nice afforable one, por favor. In a fall-y color, one that could go with everything.... Hmm. This one isn't anything like what I'm talking about, but I simply love and want it so much I thought I should put it up here:

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Look! It's a banana, pop art, Edie Sedgwick, Andy Warhol's signature, and a perfectly practical tote all rolled up in ONE!

-Thermals. I think thermals are God's gift to us. Amazingly comfy and warm, and you throw one on with jeans, and BAM! (is Emeril in the house?) instant cute look! I already have a cream colored one with blue and purple stars from Aeropostale, but I want one or two more. (I have very limited access, both location- and money-wise, to cool stores, like vintage, etc... so don't hate).

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-a cardigan- a big chunky, grandpa cardigan. Luckily, I have this in my basement! Yeah.

-I NEED A CHUNKY CABLE KNIT SWEATER!!!! I AM DESPERATLEY SEEKING THIS!!!!!! I would like it in heather gray (mmmmm) or a bright TURQUOISE! So if anyone could help me this this... you would be so greatly appreciated!!!

- A fall jacket..... preferably the blue plaid one on my previous post, or the peacoat at the bottom. I loove the first one, but am slightly worried that I'll get sick of it by next year. What are your thoughts?

-This trench: Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

-Someone tell me: Do I like this? I think I do, but I'm not sure. (The top):

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-A really cute hoodie. These do NOT HAVE TO BE BAD AND UGLY. Two examples:

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-I need this shirt I want this shirt I am going to have trouble getting through fall without this shirt.

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I think this sweater is actually kinda cute.

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- I really want some pendant necklaces. Suggestion?


I appreciate and am open to suggestions.

Warm turkey, colder than a blanket.

Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Kate Moss: I'm on the fence. Ouch.

I really can't decide my stand on Kate Moss. Is she the greatest model ever? In many ways, yes. I mean, look at the comeback's she's made after that whole crack thing. Burberry dropped her, then picked her up again. And the new ads are beautiful:

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I mean look at her, she's gorgeous. The original waif (well besides Audrey Hepburn, but that's a different post.)

And Calvin Klein is using her again in his ads this season, a cool completion to the ads that introduced her a decade ago:

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And if at least half of the hipster world doesn't list her as a fashion influence on them, I'd scream and kick them.

But, on the flip side: Is she overexposed? I mean, she's is practically EVERYWHERE. Did she make TOO big a comeback?

What are your opinions?

All you need is love,

Sunday, September 17, 2006

Spring? Wait. I'm confused.

One day I'm talking about coats and jackets, the next Spring Fashion Week. It's strange. I mean it's just fall, yet everyone knows what's in for spring now. Confusing. Oh the complexities of the fashion world.

My favorites from the spring collections (courtesy of

Trovata: Beach? Prep? Who can tell?

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Adam + Eve: I had never heard of this line before, but I really like some of their stuff.

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Badgley Mischka:

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Camilla Staerk:

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Lela Rose: I think her clothes are just beautiful. Very girly, but not gagingly so.

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Luca Luca: Very simple. I like the necklaces too.

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Luella: I was really disappointed by Luella. One of the dresses from her Target line is my homecoming dress, and I've loved her past seasons. But this one...... way too much going on. For example, the opening piece was a white suit covered entirely in some short of logo. Very ugly and almost tacky. I did like one piece though.

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Marc by Marc Jacobs: This collection wowed me. He mixed just the right amounts of girly and cool, and it looks extraordinary. I especially love all the sneakers he has everything paired with. At 5'9", I don't like heels very much, and this says to me, "Yes, you CAN be in style AND wear sneakers at the same time." Yeah.

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Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting < probably my favorite.

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Zac Posen: I was a bit disappointed. The collection didn't amaze me. I liked a few things.

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There goes my baby, she knows how to rock and roll.