
I have always had big feet. They have never been normal. My friends were a 5, I was a 9... etc. Finally I reached an 11. The size that makes people look at those skis sticking out from under your jeans and go, "What the...?"
Going to a Catholic school, we have a shoe requirement. It's ridiculous. They make it impossible too find a cute shoe in my size that fits the rules. Some blessed souls at some shoe companies do realize that NOT EVERYONE IN THE WORLD IS A SIZE 10, and make 11s. I planned to keep these shoes that I have accumulated for a long while. A cute floral pair of Keds sneakers/ ballet flats hybrids, crazy Old Navy flats, gladiator sandals, etc..... my school shoes fit well, I was on cloud nine. Until I realized that my school shoes felt and bit..... small. And my marching band shoes (black and white checkered Vans, that's right, be jealous), which I had been fitted for in August, were feeling a bit..... tight.
"It's just because my foot's narrow, and it slips forward," I told myself. (While this is true, it can't be the entire reason.) But I was looking for homecoming shoes the other day, and I realized that the size 12s....... fit.
All I could think was, "No. No. No. No. No. This can't be happening to me." Two days later and I'm still in denial. It wouldn't be a problem at ALL if the stylish shoemakers of the world realized that, yeah, people have big feet. And they still want to be stylish at the same time. Gasp!
For now, I'm dealing with slightly (slightly) cramped toes. If I get camel toe in the future, I plan on suing shoe companies all over the world.
Any one else feel my pain?
But, on the plus side, I just got my braces off! No more metalmouth! Yes.
Listen to "Sundress" by Ben Kweller.
aww I don't know what its like but sounds pretty sucky. Good luck on getting cute shoes that fit :)
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