Oh, Marc. What are we going to do with you?

The master of indie-cool (the Marc by Marc line, at least) has checked into rehab for drug and alcohol abuse.
Oh, the crazy life of a fashion designer.
As long as he's allowed to design in rehab, I'm all for him getting help.
But if for some reason, his spring show doesn't show up, a LOT of people are going to be PISSED.
I'm kidding, of course. His health is the most important thing. We want him designing wonderful clothes for years to come!

I would laugh his if new collection featured white-on-white. Nurse-style.
They built a statue of us, and put it on a mountaintop,
Uh Poor Marc. Well atleast now he's getting well :) I love his clothes so thats good :) I just read in the american ELLE for March an interview with him and it was like "it's stimulating," jacobs says of sobriety. "I'm exercising and eating well, and it cmes across in my work."
And that was the day I heard he was in rehab :|
Haha if one designer can pull of a nurse-style collection, it's Marc. I hope he gets well soon as well!
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