
Hi! It's been too, too long. I'm sorry! And if you are reading this, I love you for not forgetting about me!
But anyway. The subject of today's blog: the above picture.
Say it with me!
Jessica, you are disgracing black nail polish. You are a Barbie. A blonde, tan, California, cookie-cutter Barbie. You belong in bright pink nail polish, along with a shirt that says, "I'm a bimbo! Laugh at me!"
Black nail polish has forever been the "f-fashion" color of choice. It is the opposite of what people think nail polish should be: pretty and sweet and colorful. It doesn't belong effortlessly glided on long, perfectly squared-off talons of the Hollywood "It" girls. No. It belongs chipped, on short, rounded nails of hipsters everywhere. What people {aka my mother} don't realize is that black nail polish is not goth anymore! No! It is cool and hip, and always will be. It doesn't belong paired with designers gowns and Chanel bags. No. It belongs paired with jeans and flats or sneakers and layers and scarfs and messenger bags and band tshirts and buttons.
All those Hollywood starlets are trying too hard. Because they will never be as cool as all the girls who can truly pull it off, without even trying.
Dynamite with a laser beam,
agreed. black nail polish is so chic. you can grunge it down or dress it up, but only as far as jeans and a fancy top. any dressier, and it doesnt fit anymore.
want to swap links?
Hola! Toally agree that it needs midol. I have no clue who the heck that was.
Toally love the black nail polish.
ewww i completely agree. jessica simpson is not worthy of black nail polish and its badass-ness
you hit the nail on the head...
or whatever..
haha. but you're so right, it pisses me off that the LA LA Land girls (and V Beckham) are just plain copying with the whole black nail varnish thing.
They shouldn't just follow fashions, they should reinvent them and make them their own. Or better still, be an individual.
pheew rant over.
S xx
ps, good to have you back!
yay! ur back!
and i cant believe that jesssica simpson is trying to pull it off.
Black nail polish has been 'cool' long enough for it to be passed down the chain to miss simpson though. I think we need to move on to a new colour, green anyone?
There should be personality tests determining who is qualified to wear black nail polish or not! (Just kidding - but if that were true, Jessica would not be wearing black.)
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